So this week I went to 2/8 classes, normally I go to 5/8 and attempt to watch the others online. I'm not sure what it is that prevents me from attending a full week of classes, though it might be a lack of motivation and always been tired. Help classes running all at the same time aren't helping either. In one of the two classes that I did go to we had a maths test, which I think I did ok on. That's the class I was going to defer to next year, as my calculator has died and Casio fails on communication, but it's too late, plus I don't have a legit reason - on the way to becoming anemic, but not quite there yet. At the moment I have 12hrs of lectures to watch, ranging from week 2-4. The goal today is to watch at least two, without falling asleep, by using the Pomodoro Technique,
Tuesday lunch I was running late and forgot to bring lunch, though I did bring dinner (late classes + 2hr one way trips) and stopped for pizza at Melbourne Central, between swapping trains. At MC (as Emily calls it) there are a couple places for pizza, the two Pazzi per la pizza's, one at the food court, another near the station next to Breadtop. And all the others are the bars/pubs upstairs, that require ID. The tandoori sounds amazing and during lunch pizza's are half price at the asian/anime bar, almost tempting enough for me to bring my passport just to buy pizza. :P Not sure if they'll accept that though.
Back to the cheesy pizza. Pazzi makes pizza in slabs, rectangular, with each slab being cut up into 6-8 pieces, squares. $5.50 a slice. Being around brunch time not much had been sold, and I was the 2nd to buy a slice of margherita - hence the corner piece. I didn't like it. The cheese was flat and the base was hard around the edges. I prefer City Pizza on Eliz. St. Though my favourite pizza place is still Panned Pizza.
Tuesday's Accessory. - Victorian inspired necklace.
Key - cameo - sparrow - plastic purple rose
You'll never know what you might find at Target. ;)
A Weekday Dinner.
I love omlette and have it every fortnight. My favourite way to have it is to add cheese and corn into the mixture when it's half cooked, in a light rye sandwich with prawns and mayo. Before I put it in the pan I add garlic for flavour, though hate eating garlic - unless it's garlic bread.
Mail & Chocolate
Wallis Sweetheart Top $15 from Glasgow. 11 days.
Gold Skeleton Pendant from ebay. 87c. 3wks.
Mint Intense from Lindt - I ❤ Mint.
Friday Dessert.
Crème brûlée w/o the glaze = Crème Caramel
My favourite homemade dessert, other than fruit in seaweed jelly.
Witch in Love - Ruth Warburton
I finished the book in about 3 sittings. Anna meets her grandmother, village goes on a witch hunt and she gets dumped would be the plot in a sentence. On the witch hunt part (the climax) it's very intense, bdsm intense, but it's more of one person in a dungeon rather than a group. I liked it how she met her mother's family (mother was cut off cause she married a mortal/outwith) and the descriptions were amazing as always, but perhaps too much visual on the bdsm part. The ending was meh like the title. And I felt that her fellow village witches weren't involved to an adequate level, which was very different from the first book where they were pretty much her family. I think there was also too much magic in the 2nd book e.g. Ana can fly like Peter Pan. Looking forwards to reading the next book when it comes out Feb 2013.
Experimenting with picmonkey's new boarders.
$10 off New Falsies Maybelline Mascara Voucher at Priceline (makes it 9.25)
50% off Dove's New Purely Pampering Range at Coles (makes it 4.00)
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