3 Weeks till Exams @ Monday, May 13, 2013 Monday Sunday rolls into Monday and my motivation to get to class in minimal, not looking forwards to seeing that girl again. This is not a good thing as I'm meant to be unaffected by her presence Messaged our group, while I've done my part I need to check on person no.3. Highlight of the day, checking my email to discover I won a (3) competitions! Bonus as one was a 'Mother's Day' related one, which is something I don't do too well on, as we're not close. She disproves of my lifestyle and choice in men. Similar to a 25WOL comp you had to finish a sentence. "The best thing my mother taught me was..." ![]() Did she actually say that? No, but she does like to gift baked goods, which is something I do at the end of each semester/year. There were 6 entries, and it was judged on what you wrote. My baking skills aren't the best, ![]()
Lovely Earrings of Japanese Stamps
Also just won "1 of 100 Colette by Colette Hayman $10 Gift Vouchers" from the ‘SHOP IT LIKE IT’S HOT’ Gift Voucher Giveaway. T&C, online usage only, can't be used for shipping. But postage is only $5 flat rate and they have paypal. I got this necklace + some round gold stud earrings (interestingly I don't wear earrings :P) for $6 delivered. ![]() ![]() ![]()
Stone Bib Necklace
A tip with competitioning is to tab the comps you enter, sure you won't win most and be disappointing but then there are comps you'll win. And some places don't email you about it, instead it's up to you to contact them to claim your prize. ![]() Tuesday A long day, I don't remember going to school today, the journey there, and yet I was there. Skipped the events lec to work on the presentation, I have no idea what I'm doing. And so our team leader wrote my (and everyone else's) speech for us and made the slides. Like me half the time she didn't like my suggestions that made the powerpoint less than perfect. She had an excuse for being bitcher than usual though. It went ok, the presentation 10/12 mins. I was the only one in a suit. :( But it was a nice suit. :) Though I felt very vulnerable not wearing anything black other than lingerie. :P The day went by oddly today. Feeling down. :( Didn't see Austin, meh. Hector said he's not worth it. Though I'm still upset that he said no. A repeating memory plays a loop in my head, in class Austin asked a question, I got it wrong and he was dramatic about it - announcing the correct answer loudly that is. Normally he's flat, and has enough passion to fill perhaps 1/3 of a tsp at most. He also smiled - when I got the answer wrong! :( I never do that when the kids get the answer wrong, it does not encourage them to answer questions and kills their confidence a little each time. According to Fernando he was being dramatic because the answer was a quote from a movie and a mantra (statement that is frequently repeated). After the presentation I spoke to mr events and he was mean to me, or rather less tolerant of my lack of understanding that usual. According to my group I got my part wrong, and according to him it's 50%. It wasn't content but rather how he was. My first thought was that he knows I'm not a little girl (yes I do have a tendency to act like a innocent lost little girl, and the majority of the time it works) but rather a conniving manipulation bitch. But then I realized that maybe he's just having a bad day... Law, intense as always, but more than usual as there was a problem with the lecture schedule and timing, and so we're rushing through topics which are making me stressed. The good news is mr law is still nice to me. :) Even though I totally crashed during the lec - first time I fell asleep in law. I closed my eye for a moment and suddenly missed a chunk of info. Met jas for dinner at 'Purple Peanuts', we both had the 'Curry Soba', though I had chicken while he opted for the beef. My something new this week. We both like it, though the soup made my quite thirsty and I suspect it had MSG in it. But I did enjoy the noodle soup and would recommend it - just don't drink too much soup. Oh and even though it's a curry it's not hot at all. The noodles were interesting they look like egg noodles but are different in colour and taste, I don't think I've tried buckwheat before. Jas said the beef version was good being "a touch spicy" and it was "really nice" and he recommends it, and contrary to my taste buds he doubts there was msg in it. ![]()
Chicken/Beef Curry Soba
Hot buckwheat soup noodles in a mild Japanese curry with veggies
+ beef (9.00) or flame grilled chicken (9.50).
As for the veggies there was pickled beetroot and a small piece of potato and carrot. Really liked the chicken, which was a lighter version of their Teriyaki Chicken. Didn't manage to get a decent picture of jas's noddles. Just picture the same thing but with beef. ![]() Afterwards we went for a walk, as it wasn't too cold, though we were both tired from the days events and took the tram back. :P We had a light dessert (my new thing is to have dessert only once a week) and shared a Twix twin bar/pack, it's very rare that I ever share anything with anyone anymore (since le beau left) so that was nice, and I didn't feel so alone as I usually do. ![]() Wednesday This week I've missed 3 classes - so far, and the one that I did turn up to we fell asleep in... Too tired and unmotivated to go to class today, missed a meeting too where mr events was going to talk about the project - the one due on Monday, the same that I have no idea what I'm doing. "Can you show us on the teddy where he touched you?" The inspector asked Woglinde. We did character Q&As today in theatre. My character, Flosshilde is a "little" girl who is mentally 8-10yrs old and carries 'Claudia' around with her everywhere. ![]()
This is Claudia.
![]() Thursday Today was more productive that yesterday, even if I was running an hour late for b'fast. Not a morning person. I'm one of those people who feel sick if they don't eat before traveling. For b'fast Jas & I went to 'Tony le Pony' in Hawthorn, near Glenferie Station. ![]()
Review coming soon.
Workshop on volunteering What did I learn? Not much, just definitions. Didn't realize the workshop was for newbies, with 27 events on my list the info wasn't appealing to me. Afterward my project partner and I finished the manager project, after 10 weeks. :P We moved a chunk to the appendix due to word limit, scanned a bunch of papers and did some photoshopping of stuff we forgot to write on the forms (which caused word to crash a lot). In the end we just re-did it on paper and re-scanned it. Page numberings in the Events worksheets were completed and print screens were done for the project. Dropped by a golf shop to pick up some balls, and went to the police station to get stuff signed. Mr events was na so we didn't talk about the project (he missed the train he says later). Damn she found me in the study hall, I thought she'd be in library so I didn't go there. There weren't many people there but once again she decided to sit with me. Or rather she sat and I went to the library. I'm so glad she didn't offer/insist on walking me to the station when I said I was leaving. Hopefully she'll get the message and leave me alone. ![]()
We had
Therapy, she suggests deferring for a semester to find myself (not the best idea ever...) and getting a PT job, as my job doesn't actually suit me - even if I kinda like it. ![]()
Little Cupcakes - Salted Caramel
It was delish! Even if it's not as pretty as the others.
![]() Repeat class for law - cause I crashed during the last session. The tut size seems to have been reduced to two (me and an adult guy), though we have 6 people 2/3 don't contribute. Though sometimes it still takes 4 people to (work together) to get the answer. :P There two boys who are only there for attendance and an asian couple who don't talk at all (to anyone other than each other) at the beginning there were five of them. Spent the evening "working" at the library, I crashed and took a nap. Unproductivity 120%.
Someone was bored. :P
Saturday ![]() Made oreo cupcakes, it took about 4hrs. Step 1 - Gather ingredients to discover we don't have enough eggs. Later on we found them. Step 2 - After finding the oil tried to open it. Fail. Then discovered it was the wrong oil anyway. Step 3 - The oven and kitchenaid are dusty and have cobwebs in/around them. Cleaned that. Step 4 - Forgot to get ingredients for frosting. Improvise. Step 5 - Cakes are wet inside, it said to bake for 14mins, I baked it for 30, still wet. Step 6 - Can't find frosting kit! DIY time. Step 7 - Piping bag blows up, actual it went "pop!" Story of why I don't cook. Also with my rate of failures (currently at 33%) it's just better to buy the damn thing and repackage it to make it look like I made it. ![]() Sunday ![]()
Worked at the 'Mother's Day Classic' event. Had sushi for lunch.
Came across this interesting window display.
It's lipsticks at Sportsgirl.
![]() Hi. I'm Charlie. Capricorn. ISFJ. Engaged. From CA, studying events in Melbourne. This is a blog about food, photography, hot chocolate & cupcakes, events, shopping, and the occasional beauty product review. Want to contact me? Click here to email me. ![]() Follow Me? ![]() ![]() ![]() Sticky Posts Public Relations Archives August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 December 2013 January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 Thanks to... Original Base Design
Base Editor - Erma97 Basecoder - detonatedlove Original Header Design teacakehouse Coding Assistance (IT) Kitty_meow Disclaimer Any resemblance to real or fictitious names, identities, characters, persons, whether living or dead, settings, situations, or other information, is purely coincidental and unintentional. Bloggers.com Bloglovin' |