Cleansing @ Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Happy Halloween! @ Wednesday, October 31, 2012 If I was having a Halloween party...
You'd be invited ;)
It would be a dinner party followed by movies, games and end with midnight dessert.
The Colour Scheme
The Amazing Centerpiece.
Candy Corn Cookies, Mummy Cookies 'n' Cream Pops
Elphaba's Cupcakes & the Queen's Toffee Apple's
Monster Cookies & Cake Pops
Krispy Kremes & Pumpkin Cupcakes
Punch anyone? It's freshly made ;)
We'd have a pumpkin craving contest.
Photo Booth!
Unfortunately every year Halloween is right before exams, so this didn't happen. Instead I went to see Frankenweenie, had pancakes and went to an asian wedding as Cinderella. What did you do for Halloween?
Accounting 101 @ Monday, October 29, 2012
When it comes to accounting please use the prior and not the later. :P
The accounting exam was was ok, I didn't do the question in order, but miss accounting said that was ok. Did Q4 Part A, missed Part B, did Q2 and then went back for 4B. Perhaps not ok. I don't like ratios... it's not that I don't understand them, it's just that I don't remember what they're call and the measurements. Something everyone hates about maths is you stuff up one number and you're screwed. Did exactly that, July 2011 to June 2012, first round I calculated 12mths of rent, as the July part wasn't anywhere near the rent figures, it was on the page before.
1/4 Exams Completed. IT's next.
Dutch Pancakes with Ruby @ Monday, October 29, 2012 Edit: I finally sent the laptop away for repairs so we were afk for more than a week. Very behind in posts, drafts were done but no pictures were uploaded. This post refers to the 2nd week of October, week starting Monday 8th Oct, aka wk11. I knew I should have blogged about last week at the end of last week, before I forgot, but somehow that didn't happen as my laptop was sent away for repairs (right click fails, and it wasn't the mouse). So this is what happened last week, or so I recall. Monday On Monday I arrived just in time for class, we had a test on access. Austin wears nice guy perfume, that or he showered right before class. The next day I blogged about that, but back to Monday. Emily joined me for IT and I was once again reminded why I'm not suppose to sit next to her and one of use always gets moved :P I had a silly spell (that mood where you find everything hilarious. After class we walked to Dominoes a few blocks away. Service for minimal, not particularly good, I prefer my local Pizza Hut.
Mini Dutch Pancakes with Emily
Over pancakes we discussed how
That can't be healthy, but he isn't going to be around much longer.
Tuesday... ...was spent asleep is usual. Productivity 0%. Not sure if any work was done. Wednesday Was much like Tuesday, I started taking my iron supplement, which maybe was why I was so tired and crashed. Woke up at 4pm, and missed all my Wednesday classes. Went to see Ruby Sparks with Freud. It was good. Calvin, potentially a young Mort Rainy (Secret Window) write a story about a girl, Ruby who becomes real. At first they're in love, then she wants space, he makes her clingy, happy all the time, and then herself. He becomes a bit of a psycho after their faults start to annoy each other (post honeymoon phase), and tells her he can make her do anything he wants and proves it. She snaps at that, as Freud put it, it's like you created a robot and now you just told it that you own it, but its actually got a brain of its own - don't be surprised if it tries to kill you. Ultimately Calvin writes the ending to her story, as he lets her go. Months or perhaps a year later he meets Ruby, but this time she has no idea who he is and she's real, and not a female version of himself, a part of his imagination. Thursday I really don't know what's wrong with me... I missed 1.5 classes on Thursday. Adding class attendance for the week at 2.5 classes / 8. Made it just in time for our sus ops presentation. We didn't have matching outfits :( but I think we did ok. At some point I freaked out, got a little case of jelly legs, though fortunately recovered. And then I read everything straight from my notes, the part that didn't go so well, especially when I forgot how to pronounce some words, something that often happens I presentations. I also stumble and fall over my words. Oh and I talked for way too long. In the afternoon I met with H, to do our first rehearsal for the IT presentation on ecommerce. That didn't happen. But it wasn't my fault, I was there. She was very late and hadn't finished her part. I hate group work... Friday Started at 2pm, last minute back-up before the laptop is sent for repairs. Therapy. Shopping, bought a few things from Kmart. They had the moisturizer on clearance sale for 5.00 (normally 12.00), bought that for Emily, also picked up a FOA Primer, which I heard good things about, (8.00, was around 11.00). And the two best things I bought... nail polish! Rimmel had 4.00 off, so I got Pompous for 4.00 and a limited ed Australis Fairy Bread for 4.75 (normally around 8.00), it was the last one and the SA wrote down the name to get one herself. :) You can find it at Priceline for 8.00, but be quick, it's limited edition.
I love the smell and texture of this scrub.
Australis Fairy Bread
I spent the afternoon hunting for mason jars. Why does no one know what they are?! Finally at the 2nd last store I went to, Target, I met an American lady who knew what they were! And she directed me to a hardware store nearby. I have yet to check them out, so far I've found 450ml ones with a gold tin lid for $2 at Kmart, and cute 150ml French Kilner jars for 1.50 at the Reject Shop.
Rainbow Cupcake from Ferguson Plarre
- Sour strap rainbow with creamy icing. -
It's a dense cupcake, I prefer soft and fluffy Little Cupcakes. ;)
Saturday I was working at the Armageddon Expo, as a door greeter. Shifts are 1.5hrs, and as staff you get a token for a siggy/photo was a person of your choice (some people chose to have pictures taken with the Supernatural group or some of the other groups) that's worth at least $60. You can skip to the front of the line for those things, also get water and a lunch voucher. And you also get to spend the rest of the day at the expo. Going to do a separate post on the event. There was lots of great costumes. But my favourite was the Corpse Bride. Question of the Week: If a friend (not you Emily, or Austin) has a serious case BO, that combined with my super sensitive sense of smell (a friend said it's similar to the case of the pregnant nose - but I'm not pregs or ever planning to be) makes me want to physically be sick, what should I do? Uncertain that he's aware of the issue. But since I've known him he's not one to use deodorant, and he won't respond well to my request that he showers before seeing me.
Monster Grocer on Hoxton Street @ Friday, October 26, 2012 Follow the cobblestones on a dark foggy night down an alley way, turn left at the lamp post where an bright eyed owl perches, past the Poison Apple, go to the end of the lane, where there's a wall with a raven black engraved mirror, say the magic words, turn thrice anti-clock wise, and you'll be transported into a world of horses and carriages, where ladies in glass slippers hurry off to balls to dance the night away, and where Dracula buy his fang floss. A repost from landofnod. Exam cram procrastination, only 6hrs of accounting recordings to go. And then it's five practice exams, open book then closed book. Three and a half days to go till the first exam, Monday 29th. Accounting. 3hrs.
Avocado & Mayo Hair Treatment @ Wednesday, October 24, 2012
*Click to make bigger*
Still alive... I think... @ Friday, October 19, 2012 ... though I feel a bit well, out of touch. Imagine not having access to your phone for a week, that's how I feel without my laptop. Had it sent to the IT guy last Saturday, he fixed it, ready for pick-up Monday, and someone has continuously forgotten to pick it up! I can't survive... without my blog. My neopets are dying, lecture/slides hasn't been downloaded and absolutely no work has been done this week. Fortunately my brother Andy is letting me use his computer (I do believe this is the first time I've mentioned him on my blog O.o), but it's not a great idea to upload those 300+ pictures I've taken within the last fortnight, my USB can't hold them all. But I have done three drafts posts, another draft coming tomorrow. Awaiting the return of my laptop for pictures before I publish them. Upcoming Posts: - Dutch Pancakes with Ruby (aka what I did two weeks ago) - Armageddon Expo 2012 (events are back!) - Our Last IT Session (alternative title: I'm so screwed for exams) - Pink Ribbon Day 2012 So this week... Monday - IT presentation, details in another post. Got a picture of Austin ^^. Practiced a bit of 'photo-shopping' on it too, as it was the perfect basic portrait to use as a canvas. While I'd like to get feedback on it, I did promise that I wouldn't put it on the Internet. Tues - Slept... no work done. Wed - 2/3 classes attended. I'm lost in accounting Thu - Somehow I missed both classes, once again no work done. Friday - Pink Ribbon Day, there's going to be a post on this coming up soon. During my morning shift I sold three items to two people. Bought two bottles of nail polish. We found Mason-ish jars! for Tiramisu, it's a shame servings per person (including presentation) are around 5.00 though. I'm making tiramisu next week for WTD, will take lots of photos. ;) I do believe this is the first weekly, or in this case 2-3wks of happenings, post that doesn't have any pictures I took! Not to worry, I have about three weeks worth of pictures on my cameras. ;)
Types of Face Brushes @ Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Out of curiosity, if you had all the eye and face brushes how many brushes would you have in total?
Playing with Business Cards @ Friday, October 12, 2012 *Cue Procrastination* A few weeks or rather months ago I bought my second batch of business cards, not sure what happened to the first ones. But I got them from, great quality, but not so price friendly. This round I bought them from artscow which often has promotions, they do good quality products. My cards arrived a while ago, but I didn't get around to photographing them for a while, as five of diamonds is missing, and the card background came in two shades! It's very subtle though, the camera and photocopier can't pick it up. I bought the mini playing cards set (2" x 2.5" 54-playing card deck includes 2 jokers) for $5 shipped, during a promo. Good quality, though a tip: don't use subtle/light colours, they don't print very well.
Background in the card is the same as my blog.
Reminds me of porridge on the card.
Avocado Banana Hair Mask @ Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Question(s) of the Day @ Monday, October 08, 2012 1. How do you rename tabs on MS Access? Had the access test today, it was harder than the practice test. I couldn't figure it out how to rename the tabs, I did rename them on the sidebar, but in different views it went back to the original name. Thinking it's like a url, once you set it, it's stuck. ![]()
2. Why is Austin so
Emily says cute, but I prefer adorable - I think. Cute only applies to little kids, and kittens/puppies/potential pets. I slightly dislike him because of his adorability, fortunately it appears to be only be skin deep, and above the neck. XD A picture of a Tudor's execution comes to mind. It's just that I don't think any guy thinner than me (though I'm curvy, not petite like Emily) could be attractive. It's kinda freaky. My first thought when I first saw Austin, was how thin he was, the second was that he's kinda attractive. Personality wise he's got enough to fill a ladle, as it seems, though he has shown that perhaps he is fun - just not in class.
Not the right hairstyle, but that's the best img I could find.
3. My new lip balm smells like tea... But it says it's pomegranate?
Finished my stick of Burt's Bee Original Lip Balm yesterday, today I opened the one with the pink lid, pomegranate. It's not peppermint and doesn't have the cooling sensation like the original. Also it gives a slightly red tint, so apply it anywhere but on your lips and you'll look like a clown. It smells like tea, a basic black or green I can't tell, not being a tea person. Don't like this version so far, but will give it a few more days trial.
Burt's Bees Replenishing Lip Balm with Pomegranate Oil
20 Days to go... @ Sunday, October 07, 2012 ... till my first exam. This week we start freaking out about exams
Monday Lunch - Margherita Pizza at e55
Looking forwards to trying Pumpkin & Feta next week. :)
Presentation of ChocolateTruffles
My specialty is 'Food as Gifts'.
Recipe/post coming soon.
No idea what happened on Tuesday, had a dream about the dentist, he said to come anytime after 3pm to his new place in Brunswick. In real life he transferred to the hospital so I'm still looking for a new competent dentist. The women the clinic assigned me to isn't very good, she couldn't find anything. Having major dental pains on and off, probably going to end up going to end up in the emergency ward at some point this week. Reminds me of that episode pf Sabrina 'Molar Molar', recently watched that, and I've realized that her friend Chole does a lot of voices like Susie (Rugrats) Penelope (Barbie, Rapunzel) and Mo (Horrible Histories). Early on in the week there a was night I couldn't sleep even though I crashed on the train, realized I have no idea what I was doing (and I didn't have my stats book in front of me :P) and had either a mid-life crisis or a case of extreme pre-exam stress. A moment where Ian and Hector would have know what to say except that they aren't around anymore, so I wrote 3pgs about it instead, in glittery purple ink. ;) Wednesday. Can be half summed up by the picture above. Same as Colorado. First day of a 6hr summer! It was melting by the time I got to class around 10am. Days like these make me inspired to do daily outfit posts, as I have a summer wardrobe (even though we live in a mainly winter word :P). But I'm not so keen on taking pictures of myself, nor will be free during daylight hours for good lighting. That and I buy my clothes all over the place, and I often see bloggers saying where they bought x or y. And you know the girls at school are being mean when they ask you where you buy your clothes. On this rare occasion I can actually tell you where I bought what I was wearing.
Dotti Longline Tie-Neck Blouse
$20 from the Expo Outlet
Event/drama of the week happened on Wednesday, and may have possibly have been sparked by what I was wearing... The top is semi-see through but I wore a camisole under it, so I really don't see what I was wearing that or so offensive. Though Ian would say the old man was targeting me for no reason other than he's got nothing better to do, that and he's just another fine example of the scum of society. So what actually happen was I missed the bus and decided to walk to the tram stop rather than wait half an hour for the next bus. Walked past an white old man (60-ish) in grey sweats standing (loitering) on the corner smoking, opposite the tram stop. Ignored him, checked timetables, a few minutes later he comes across the street yelling at me (certain he was yelling at me, as he pointed at me) with his hand covering his mouth. He was angry, blah blah blah something about him wanting me to go stand across the street (this would be a good time to whip out that taser le beau got me, except that I didn't have it in my pocket), probably said I was a disgrace at some point too, he's still coming towards me yelling, telling me to f- off. I ask him to repeat that, not the f- off part, the bit before that. And hearing my accent he tells me to go to back to America and spits at the ground. And with that I ran all the way back to uni a couple blocks away. And that ladies and gentleman is the last time I will be wandering away from uni and attempt to take the tram. Someone did advise me earlier this year that you go to class and directly back to the station, do not stop along the way, and do not walk to the station, take the bus. The very strange thing about the whole event other than the fact that there were random bystanders who did nothing another then edge away from me, not that I ever expect anyone to stand up for me (and that includes half of my friends) except le beau (who's super supportive sometimes overprotective). It was more of the fact that I got upset, no I didn't cry or anything. But why do I care what a random possibly drunk or crazy old man thinks or says? I next day I saw him again, outside uni, near the bus stop. He was wearing a different outfit, therefore not homeless. A guy in my class says that old man hangs around this area a lot, and he yells at the other kids too. That is definitely not reassuring, but if comes at me again I'm running to the office. Thursday, slept in - again and missed the sus ops lec, but made it just in time for stats. Sent in the project 3/6. Considering signing up for summer school, depending on the lecturer. If that fails I plan to spend my summer volunteering at events, the MS Gift Wrap, other annual charity Christmas events, assisting art/craft activities at the museum and taking classes at the community center. Originally I was going to get a Christmas casual position, but I got rejected from all the ones I applied for (all 16 of them). Realistically I don't think I'm capable of getting a job, I'm not bubbly, talkative, all sunshine and rainbows, and I can't stand for long.
Perfume Samples from YSL. :)
SA aren't often friendly, but the lady on Thursday at DJ Bourke St is really nice.
Friday I had lots of errands planned, but I crashed on Thursday night with stress sick. But I did finish the final copy of the IT project, just got two sets of slides to make and the presentations. On Saturday le beau (who was in town for the past fortnight, due to his holidays) went to a wedding and bought me back flowers :). We met on Sunday morning for yoghurt from Cacao Green and spent the morning playing Monopoly, Boggle and some other games. His sister Lily soon arrived along with his brother and SIL, the doctor and we played another round of Monopoly, and at my insistence we played scattergories - my favourite "educational" game. As you probably guessed my camera battery died, but the yoghurt was slightly melted and wasn't picture perfect anyway.
Lux Bite @ Friday, October 05, 2012 |
![]() Hi. I'm Charlie. Capricorn. ISFJ. Engaged. From CA, studying events in Melbourne. This is a blog about food, photography, hot chocolate & cupcakes, events, shopping, and the occasional beauty product review. Want to contact me? Click here to email me. ![]() Follow Me? ![]() ![]() ![]() Sticky Posts Public Relations Archives August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 December 2013 January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 Thanks to... Original Base Design
Base Editor - Erma97 Basecoder - detonatedlove Original Header Design teacakehouse Coding Assistance (IT) Kitty_meow Disclaimer Any resemblance to real or fictitious names, identities, characters, persons, whether living or dead, settings, situations, or other information, is purely coincidental and unintentional. Bloglovin' |